
Jul 7, 2014

Weekly snapshots

I had my most amazing weekend in Estonia! I just got back to my Helsinki apartment and now I'm going to tell you a bit more. On Friday I got to Pärnu so late that I didn't actually plan anything for that day. I was also super tired and just happy to be back. Saturday was super fun! We started with a lovely breakfast with Kristjan and after that we headed to this skateboarding competition where Kristjan got 3rd place! It was super fun and a good way to spend my day! Later that day, we went to that super nice party and Sunday was even better! I went to Tallinn and after this little shopping, I met my parents and good friends. We went to this biggest Estonia singing-event Estonian Song Celebrations. This is the most amazing thing ever. (If you don't know what I am talking about, check it here. ) I had so much fun. I am not happy with the fact that I had again so few time back in home. I'll keep myself happy - It'll be over soon! August is already around the corner.

Mul oli maailma parim nädalavahetus Eestis! Jõudsin just tagasi oma Helsingi korterisse ja saan lõpuks ka siia kõik kirja panna! Reede õhtul jõudsin Pärnusse päris hilja ja muid plaane siis ei teinudki. Olin lihtsalt väga-väga rõõmus, et saan lõpuks ometi tagasi koju. Laupäev oli tõeliselt lõbus! Hommikut alustasime mõnusa hommikusöögiga ja päeval toimus Pärnu küljeall Paikusel OnWheels'i rulavõistlus, kus Kristjan kolmanda koha sai! Õhtu lõpetasime peoga, kus nägin ka palju tuttavaid ja sõpru! Täna hommikul sõitsin Tallinnasse. Peale väikest poodlemist Kristjani õega, sain kokku oma vanematega ja sõpradega ja veetsin oma kalli sõbranna seltsis mõned tunnid ka laulupeol! Ma ei oleks suutnud seda maha magada. Pisut kahju, et need nädalavahetused nii kiiresti mööduvad ja kodus oldud aeg läheb liiga kiiresti. Õnneks on juba varsti august käes ja saab rahulikult kodus tagasi olla. :)
This weeks vlog is coming really soon! It's a bit late due to my super-busy schedule!