
Oct 16, 2014

New beasts #2 - AIAIAI Headphones

Today I received these amazing headphones from AIAIAI! If you need something stylish aswell as something with amazing quality, these are your must-haves! I received a pair of TMA-1 Studio Headphones,  Capitals and a pair of Pipes! I'll tell you more about it soon!

Täna jõudsid minuni tõeliselt lahedad kõrvaklapid AIAIAI'lt. Tegu on Taani firmaga, mis toodab tõeliselt kvaliteetseid kõrvaklappe erinevaks otstarbeks. Muidugi on need ka mõnusalt stiilsed! Minuni jõudis mitu erinevat Kõrvaklapi-set'i ja varsti räägin nendest lähemalt! Nice!

1 comment:

  1. Knowing what you want headphones for will probably influence the other factors in purchasing them, so assess how, where and when you plan to use them.
