
Jul 14, 2016


After our well-spent night in a tent near Sweden-Norway border. 

It was located nearby this great lake surrounded by forests. When we cooked our oatmeal in the morning, I got to pick fresh blueberries for my meal. After our little brekkie, we kept on going and right now we are in the middle of big mountains, 100km until Bergen. There's for everywhere. 

Whilw we where cooking our dinner couple of hours ago, suddenly out of nowhere we were surrounded by horde of goats. Funny actually. :D You can find a picture of it in previous post. Haha!

I am wearing:

 Top - Fiorellashop / Leggings - H&M / Sunnies - Prosawood / Hat - H&M Blue / Sneakers - Nike Huarache
Most of these pics taken near Oslo.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/14/2016

    Kirjuta pärast kõik asukohad kus käisite ja läbi sõistite, oleks tore ja huvitav lugeda ja endalegi kõrvataha panna, järgmist reisi planeerides :)
    Pildid ülicoolid ja ise ilus :)
