
Jul 27, 2017


That is a dreamy place at Lofoten islands. We had a picnic there on the rocks and while Raido was flying his drone, I just fell asleep. It was SO relaxing. :D We got so lucky with this weather on these Islands. I believe there is not much sun out there that often (atleast that's what google said). And it has been full sunny everyday all day. And the fact that we also have midnight sun.. It goes down like 1.00 am and then comes right up again without getting dark. So it's kind of full sunny 24/7. That's what summer is all about, haha! :D

And on another note- before the trip, I got myself these new Timberland sneakers for more comfortable trip. These feel like socks on me, so awesome. Also didn't know Timberland make this kind of sneakers. I mean, looook at them!

See paik Lofoteni saarestikus oli nii mõnus. Me tegime seal väikese pikniku ja kui Raido drooni lennutas, jäin ma seal magama. See oli nii rahustav. Ilmaga on ka hästi läinud. Google sõnul ei ole siin pidevalt järejest ilusat ilma, aga nüüd on juba päike olnud terve nädala. Lisaks on siin hetkel ka ''midnight sun'', mille tõttu on siin ka öösiti valge. Päike loojub kusagil kell 1 öösel ja siis tuleb juba kohe varsti üles tagasi. Ja pimedaks ei lähegi. Niisiis on päike 24/7. Nagu üks tõeline suvi. :D

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/01/2017

    Oh, seda 24/7 valgust tahaks isegi kogeda.
    Nii kihvtid pildid.
